Monday, October 12, 2009

There's No Place Like Home

We arrived safely home on Thursday, October 8th. We were actually happy to be home and I think that the dogs and the cat were releived to see home too.  There was a ton of mail that we had to sort through, as well as a ton of laundry that needed to be started, but, over the weekend we got it all done and by Sunday everything was finally finished. 

We both really enjoyed our trip, even though the last two days seemed to less enjoyable that the rest, I think we were just ready to get home.  I also enjoyed sharing it with all of you, and will keep the blog, and update it with our future travels, but for now there will be no more posts for awhile.  If you subscribe to my blog, (info in on the right hand side of this page) you will be notified when there are new posts about our adventures.

So for now, I bid you all goodby until the next trailer trip.  DD

1 comment:

  1. Glad you all made it home safe!!! Looks like you had a wonderful time. Take Care,


    Linda, Dave and Rocky
